Follow us here for all the important announcements, shout-outs, and information about Holy Trinity School. Looking for dates? Visit our Calendar page.

Summer Office Hours

Summer office hours begin Monday, June 10. The office will be closed on Mondays and Fridays. On Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday's the office is open from 9:00 a.m. until noon.

We will be happy to assist you if these hours are not conducive to your schedule. Simply leave a message on the answering machine or email Mrs. Ray. Have a safe, relaxing, and rejuvenating summer!

Used Uniform Sale

Mrs. Brenda Reis has agreed to take over the used uniform program, and we are most grateful! She will have a Used Uniform Sale Wednesday, August 7 and Wednesday, August 14 from 1:.00 to 3:00 pm. Please take advantage of this program. It is such a savings! Parents are reminded to check the lost and found and also to turn in any uniforms your student has outgrown. 

Welcome Mrs. Morales!

Please join the HT faculty and staff as we give a warm Hawk welcome to Mrs. Monica Morales. Mrs. Morales will be working a few hours here and there while Mrs. Ray is on vacation. She is the new Administrative Assistant and will start officially July 1.


Parents, summer is the perfect time to make sure your child’s immunization vaccines are up to date. This is especially true for incoming kindergarten students and students entering seventh grade. Incoming seventh grade students must have had a Tdap vaccine after the age of 7. Proof will be required before entry to the classroom on August 21.